

【楼诚大法背单词】S1 E7







n. 1) 依靠 2) 支撑

v. 支撑

n. 1) something or someone to which one looks for support (dependence)

  2)something that holds up or serves as a foundation for something else (support)

v. to hold up or serve as a foundation for (support)

“Lou, please remember that I, the elder sister of you three, will always be your accountable buttress, both material and mental, no matter what kinds of jobs you are doing.” Jing said to Lou with tears in her eyes. (1)




adj. 1)不可穿过的 2)防气体,液体或光进入的

adj. 1) impossible to get through or into (impenetrable)

   2) not allowing penetration of gas, liquid or light (tight)

Guiyi wasn’t alert enough to doubt why she could get intelligence from Lou so easily, who was famous for keeping secrets impermeable to the outside. (1)




adj. 动作迟缓的,没反应的

adj. slow to move or act (inactive)

“There are few lethargic agents in the world, because they die quickly. Your speed decides your life.” Tianfeng said to his students. 




v. 振动, 摆动

v. to move in one direction and then back again many times

Cheng has been oscillating between whether to confess to Jing what happened between his elder brother and him. 




v. 挑剔,吹毛求疵

v. to make often peevish criticisms or objections about matters that are minor, unimportant, or irrelevant

Ming Tai found he could be quibbling Jinyun’s homemade desserts for the whole day even though she cooked really well but would eat whatever Manli made. 




v. 导致,引发

v. to be cause of a situation, action, or state of mind (effect)

“I couldn’t directly give you orders to kill Minamida* because the decryption of the message “to kill her” would by no doubt engender Fujida’s suspicion of me.” Lou explained to Tai, exhaling. 




adj. 海纳百川的,广泛收集各种信息的

adj. including things taken from many different sources

Ming Tai told Guo Qiyun the cafe was the best place to gather eclectic information due to the great diversity in the customers here.  





adj. 雄辩的,健谈的

adj. Fond of talking or conversation (talkative)

No matter how loquacious Lou could be in front of the media, he didn’t dare to bicker with Jing. 




n. 惩罚

n. sufferring, loss or hardship imposed in response to a crime or offense (punishment)

“Tonight is the night. You will never learn from mistakes without any ‘castigation’.” said Lou as he smiled at Cheng, watching the latter’s face blushing. 



/kəˈmɛnsərɪt, -ʃə-/

v. 同情

v. to have sympathy for (pity)

“A turncoat of his country and people when they need him the most is not worth commensurating.”said Cheng firmly, when he tried to deny that he felt sad for Liang’s death.




adj. 害羞胆怯的,俗称社恐(社交恐惧症)的

adj. not comfortable around people (shy)

When Cheng first came to the Ming’s family, he was so diffident that he didn’t even know how to talk to Jing and Lou when he wanted something.


*Minamida 南田





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